Oh Hi!

A sailing couple, looking to enrich their lives through exploration.

We’re Jon and Angela; sailors, adventurers, and perpetual goofballs. We find ourselves hampered by the day to day of corporate living and seek to enrich our souls with what the mainstream has called “an alternative lifestyle”. But what exactly is a “normal lifestyle”? Isn’t life exactly what you (no one else) makes it? Definitely a difficult statement to live by but one that will open up opportunities you never dreamed possible!

Follow along as we move from Goofy Boots 1.0 towards our goal of living “off the grid” in a self-sustaining sailboat as Goofy Boots 2.0!

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Recent Posts

After some big weather, we arrived in the Bahamas on the West side of Great Inagua. It was a wonderful welcome to finally be in the Bahamas!

Thumbnail image for Goofy Boots Travel's blog post - Seeking Safe Harbor. With No Logo

Seeking safe harbor! Goodbye Puerto Rico, hello Bahamas Dominican Republic!

Guide to Exploring El Yunque National Forest What is special

Regatta in San Juan Harbor

NO PASSPORT REQUIRED for US citizens, San Juan has immaculate beaches, fantastic food, and centuries of history for every palate to enjoy

Culebrita – a small uninhabited island off the coast of Puerto Rico. It has tide pools, a lighthouse, and beautiful beaches!

Tanks on the Beach at Flamenco Beach on Culebra Puerto Rico.

Whether you’re a sailor cruising Culebrita, or just flying in. We have info on best places to eat, anchorages, and other activities on and around the island!



The Boat



Our stories

Angela’s story
Jon’s story

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16 Responses

  1. Congrats on getting up and running you two, can’t wait to hear about (and join on some) of your adventures!

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