

We met back in 2017, on you guessed it, a dating app! We bonded over new experiences and taking chances. Something we both share is a passion for life and all that it can teach us, both good and bad. Somewhere along our individual paths of ingesting all that this world offers, we formed one, shared dream. That dream is to learn as much about this world, the people who live here, and contribute to the abundant good that exists in humanity as much as we can. We found that the best way to achieve all of these esoteric notions is to, bum ba da daaaa, SAIL!

Sailing the world is not a new concept. That romantic sense of adventure is as old as “civilized” man. This concept has seen a new resurgence since the advent and growing attainability of technology. We both feel that this resurgence of “alternative lifestyles” is something that should be fostered and shared. Because guess what, seeing others “achieve” what we feel we can only dream of, makes it all the more attainable and helps you “step outside of your own comfort zone” and GROW!

Challenging yourself (whether that means being silly in front of strangers or redefining your sense of life) is necessary to growth. The concept of growth, in all forms, is what we found a shared passion in.  Take chances, laugh, be silly, and most of all, always be kind.


Hello! I’m Angela, the primary writer, so please forgive any grammatical errors!

When posed with the challenge of writing about yourself, many questions come to mind. The main ones being, “How much do I tell? Should this be about my history or about me now?” I’ve lived my life as an open book. Thankfully, we don’t live our lives in solitude. But, this presents the problem of the privacy of those who are involved in our life. In lieu of that, I’ll err on the side of caution when it comes to shared experiences. In response to the second question, I think a little bit of my past and present provides a succinct synopsis of the ridiculous creature that is me.

As Julie Andrews says, “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.”

I was born and raised in the Great Lakes state of Michigan in a primarily Filipino family. Now, if you know anything about Filipinos, you know that we are VERY family oriented. My Filipino mother was the first of our family to immigrate to the US, followed shortly by 5 of the 11 siblings. I was raised as an only child, kinda. Now, I realize nothing can replace brothers and sisters. But, for as long as I can remember, my cousins and I were CONSTANTLY together. I was either at their house or they at mine. We even lived together for a small portion of time. My family raised me and they are the reason I’m who I am today. I grew up in a suburban lakeside town with a prevalent sailing community. That being said, I didn’t have any interest in sailing until adulthood.

I grew up a very sensitive child, who wanted nothing more than to fit in and be liked. This was only exacerbated by my parents divorce. Don’t get me wrong, I had a happy childhood and was never without. Whenever I felt comfortable, the word most often used to describe me was goofy. But in settings outside of my comfort zone, I was, to the outside world, VERY shy. Most who know me now, don’t believe that, but it’s true. As an empath, I quickly realized that making others happy makes me happy; mix that with crippling insecurity makes for a dangerous combination. So, what’s a little girl to do? Make others happy of course! Rather than testing my boundaries, exploring and learning about what makes me me (because that thought was terrifying), I followed the paths of others and adapted my goals to emulate theirs. As a result, I learned a healthy amount of human psychology to further anticipate other’s wants/needs without being explicitly told. I became the ultimate pretender, because if I liked/valued/loved the same things as others around me; I would not only fit in and BE loved but never be left alone. Let me just say, if I didn’t have the family I do; my life could’ve turned out drastically different. Now don’t misunderstand, none of this was malicious or purposeful in the moment. I realized the rationale behind my actions after therapy and deep introspection.

Fast forward to adulthood and I turned my well honed skills into a career. My love of taking care of others, biology, and inherent people pleasing nature made nursing the perfect career choice for me. After building some self-esteem outside of what I am to others, I started to “find myself”. I made some very difficult decisions and for my 30th birthday I decided to travel ALONE to a completely foreign country. This was very difficult to do as most people thought I was insane. This trip was HUGE for me as it sparked not only my love of adventure and exploration but more importantly, it cemented faith in myself. With this one trip, I proved to myself that I can be brave without someone behind me, supporting me AND I learned that people’s love for me is not contingent on me doing what I think they want me to do. Something that I knew deep down but didn’t have enough faith in myself to put it to the test.

This started my journey of learning who I am, who I want to be and loving every minute! I found myself purposely stepping outside of my self-defined comfort zone and learning that the world is not so scary a place with endless things to discover. It was now that I met my partner, my other half in life, Jon.

One of the first things we bonded over was that growth, while never comfortable, is essential to a life well lived. One cannot know the heights you’re capable of, without challenging yourself. But challenging yourself is never easy. Opening up to someone new, trying a sport you have no experience in, allowing yourself the possibility to fail. All of these things are very difficult. But the reward is so very worth the risk! That doesn’t mean everything always works out because believe me, I have failed in very big ways. But in that moment, when you’ve reached and come up short, that moment is when true growth happens. You learn, you grow, you continue moving forward with new knowledge to become the best version of you. Someone you can be proud of. Work to be the person who inspires you! Calculated risk is necessary to success, however you define it.


Hello, I’m Jon. I’m more of a “behind the scenes” kinda’ person and a man of few words.

So how did I get here and where am I going? I grew up in the “Great Lakes State” of Michigan while spending many of my childhood summers at our family’s cottage in western New York on Lake Ontario. My family didn’t spend too much time on the water except for the occasional swim, which drove me kinda’ crazy. I was always longing to explore the water, going up the coast in some makeshift boat or what have you. I’ve even had the coast guard called on me a few times for being gone too long; (I got home fine and found out afterwards). I was always driven to explore the world around me. Growing up, I found two passions; art and understanding mechanically how things work. I found myself taking everything and anything I could apart, and driving my parents crazy in the process. I found that art was just another way to express the curiosity I had of the world around me.

Now school, the struggle was real… we didn’t get along very well. Mainly because I’m dyslexic… everything was a struggle. I needed more time for everything, I HATED it, which drove me further down the road of not trying.

Fast forward a few years, to career path and college decisions time. I had two choices; one to go in the way of a mechanical engineer OR in the way of graphic design/motion graphics. Well my struggle because of dyslexia made the decision easy for me. I would do a page of AP physics problems only to plug the number back into the equation and find it wasn’t right. Upon finding the issue being something silly was switched partway through. I was sick of doing the same work multiple times. I ended up choosing art school in Detroit for graphic design, where I then caught the video/photo bug. I found it was the perfect mesh of art and technology. Like everything else I dove in head first and got on as many film sets as possible, learning all that I could. I then found my way into an in-house production team. Our team FOUGHT to bring as much work as we could in-house eventually became the Director of Photography for some large campaigns that I’m sure you’ve seen on TV. So how did I get into sailing? Well, in college my best friend asked if I wanted to help his dad transport their O’Day sailboat from Detroit to Traverse City (about 350NM). Me, not ever having been on a sailboat or knowing anything about it, jumped at the chance for an adventure. I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE!!!! I had no idea this world existed and I LOVED it! You can travel and explore for basically free (naive thoughts), just have the wind blow you there!

Shortly after, (maybe even the same week) I bought a Laser II (not a laser). It has a main sail, jib (headsail), and spinnaker. I installed a hitch on my car, watched a bunch of YouTube videos on how to sail and took it to every lake I could again diving in head first. Then, one day I saw my work had a discount for an adult learn to sail class with the local Yacht Club Bayview (BYC). I reached out and asked if there was anything “more advanced” you know… because I watched a whole bunch of YouTube videos…. I was a pro…boy was I wrong!. After calling BYC, they said just reach out to our “crew coordinator”. That boats are always looking for crew to race. So I did. I showed up and just so happened to get on a VERY good competitive boat, Fast Tango. At that moment I learned I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING. Over the next 8 or so years I got on as many boats as I could, did as many races as I could and learned everything I could. Even doing many infamous “races to Mackinac”. At the height of it, I was racing 5 days a week! I even helped with boat repairs over the winter doing fiberglass work I just soaked up everything i could.

Sailing was perfect for me, it was technical as well as an art form. It enabled my desire to travel and explore the world around me. Enter scene Angela, the best thing to ever happen to me (yes even more than sailing). As much as we both loved our jobs, our desire to travel and explore was greater. We didn’t like the 1-2 week vacations here and there, as you could never really learn and be a part of the culture you were visiting. We also wanted a smaller, more sustainable footprint. So here we are, the next chapter of our lives.

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8 Responses

    1. Hey! I had an awesome time too! I looking forward to the next! Thanks for checking out the website!

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